July 2024
How to Build a Multi-Page Form in Next js (Server Actions, Zod, and Local Storage)
The state of the art to create complex forms in 2024 in Next.js
The state of the art to create complex forms in 2024 in Next.js
a good article to list different ways to share state between components in Nextjs : contextes, query params, server states...
Next releases a release candidate for the 15th version of the meta framework. This version is based on react 19 RC and includes react compiler, hydration error improvements, partial pre rendering and caching updates (fetch requests, route handlers, client router don't cache by default now).
Thanks for saying out loud what i was thinking quietly.. Here, Andrew comes back on the app router and the differences with the previous pages router, and highlight how next is becoming more complex as much as it grows.
I'll just use their introduction to summarize this article : After deployment, we greatly boosted Lighthouse and PageSpeed scores, enhanced SEO health reports, and created a smoother user experience. This article summarizes what we learned and the process we followed to upgrade the website.
3 hours of tutorial on what is probably one of the best JS stack in 2024, and for once, including the production and hosting part on Vercel.
A good tutorial on using server actions to make a fullstack CRUD in Nextjs 14.
Description of layouts and comparison of their usage under react-router, Next.js & Astro.
Understanding SSR in Next.js, how caching works, and how to disable it to make a page dynamic.
Criticism of some choices made by Next.js that degrade the development experience on the framework. Apart from the examples mentioned, it is important to note that Next.js is based on still experimental principles.
Conform is a new form management library with Progressive enhancement first APIs, Type-safe field inference, Fine-grained subscription, Built-in accessibility helpers, and Automatic type coercion with Zod. It is compatible with Next / Remix as it supports server Actions. According to early feedback, this library is still experimental but seems quite promising.
How to set up authentication under Next with the next-auth library. Different types of authentications, with OAuth support
Another experience report of a migration to Next.js 14, and a very different opinion... The arguments are listed by appreciation: 3 good, 4 bad, 5 horrible... Result, he regrets not choosing Remix
3rd battle of this series of articles, this time between the 2 most popular meta frameworks based on React. Comparison on about ten points with the author's point of view (and of course some code)
A comprehensive tutorial on using forms with Next.js. On the agenda: form creation, field validation, error handling, reset, toast messages, server actions.
Experience report of migrating an open-source e-commerce platform to Next.js 14 and its new features (app router, server component, apps router, static prerendering, search params, fetching, caching, mutations...). The learning curve was not negligible, but he seems happy with the result with better structured and cleaner code. However, there's quite a bit of magic under the hood.