June 2024
Experimenting with React Server Components and Vite
Want to create a framework from scratch to learn how server component work ? If you have the time, this tutorial is exactly what you need.
Want to create a framework from scratch to learn how server component work ? If you have the time, this tutorial is exactly what you need.
a good article to list different ways to share state between components in Nextjs : contextes, query params, server states...
A great demo about why and how to make server components in javascript. In a 30 min live coding during the React conf, Dan Abramov just explains the needs behind server components. No react, no framework, just pure javascript. A great react from Theo is also available to helps us understand what going on.
Every time i see a post about rsc and sql requests inside a component, i always looks at the comments, to always see a lots of people choked by this new RSC pattern. Very often, people don't know that even inside a react component, this code only runs on server. Theo explains very precisely how it works, why it is secure, but also why it is only a pattern for prototyping and other patterns are preferable for production.
A deep dive into RSC in this article, to understand the needs below merging CSR and SSR, and how to mix both paradigms to build better applications.
Learn how to use tanstack query with your RSC components and how the tool is still pertinent after switching from a CSR to a SSR paradigm.
I'll just use their introduction to summarize this article : After deployment, we greatly boosted Lighthouse and PageSpeed scores, enhanced SEO health reports, and created a smoother user experience. This article summarizes what we learned and the process we followed to upgrade the website.
3 hours of tutorial on what is probably one of the best JS stack in 2024, and for once, including the production and hosting part on Vercel.
A first beta for the next react version, but aimed at library developers for them to study and adopt the new features. It includes RSC, servers actions, new refs, context, document metadata, async scripts, prefetching, better error reporting.. The list of new features and upgrades is is pretty impressive.
Why have we reached React Server Components (RSC) in React 19? It starts with a reminder of the concepts of SSG / SSR / CSR / SPA to explain the need for RSC.
Storybook version 8 introduces many new features: React Server Components, faster test builds, Vite & Vitest support, UI optimizations, and better responsiveness.
Experience report of migrating an open-source e-commerce platform to Next.js 14 and its new features (app router, server component, apps router, static prerendering, search params, fetching, caching, mutations...). The learning curve was not negligible, but he seems happy with the result with better structured and cleaner code. However, there's quite a bit of magic under the hood.