August 2024
Tips from 8 months of TanStack/Router in production
Always interesting to have qualitative feedbacks.. Is tanstack router as good as everyone says ?
Always interesting to have qualitative feedbacks.. Is tanstack router as good as everyone says ?
Great explanation on the new react 19 pattern "render on fetch" vs the actual "fetch on render".
I hope you are not expecting react 19 to be released pretty soon. Although it is in release candidate state, some malfunctions are still discovered when tested by library developers. Here is a resume of how a small update about suspenses triggers data being fetched in waterfall instead of being parallelized.
How to store datas in astro ? By using React Query and Nanostores ! Little demo on how to implement this tools in Astro and and improve your islands.
Learn how optimistic updates will work in React 19. With a very simple todo app, Jack Herrington live code different ways to implement optimistic updates with the new hook useOptimistic, transitions, tanstack query or even zustand.
Small article based on a single exemple to show how to use the prefetching functionality in tanstack query to improve performances.
Learn how to use tanstack query with your RSC components and how the tool is still pertinent after switching from a CSR to a SSR paradigm.
Another great article from Dominik, the main developer of the tanstack query, about how to manage our cache, and mostly, how and when to invalidate query to refresh datas.
This article not just only cover the use of suspense with tanstack query, but mostly how to use suspense efficiently and not displaying data loader for every data refresh. A must read to improve the UX of your data management in react.
Why install tanstack query, tanstack router, tanstack form, tanstack table, tanstack graph.. when you can directly install the tanstack framework? Just released and it is already the framework to follow in 2024.
His predictions for the React ecosystem this year. Guest stars: Astro, Biome, Trpc & Tanstack router. It could be summarized in one word: Typescript
Quite detailed presentation of Tanstackquery router (released in v1 in December 2023). Explanations and examples about suspense, type safety, lazy loading, file-based structure, search params, state management, preloading cache data..