July 2024
How to Build a Multi-Page Form in Next js (Server Actions, Zod, and Local Storage)
The state of the art to create complex forms in 2024 in Next.js
The state of the art to create complex forms in 2024 in Next.js
Great live coding during the last astro conference about the new server action feature. Discover how to create forms with validation, error management, type safety, progressive enhancement, and reactivity. I can't wait to test that !
Great tutorial to learn the new form hooks from React 19. useActionState, useFormStatus, but also useTransition to manage your form with actions.
Every time i see a post about rsc and sql requests inside a component, i always looks at the comments, to always see a lots of people choked by this new RSC pattern. Very often, people don't know that even inside a react component, this code only runs on server. Theo explains very precisely how it works, why it is secure, but also why it is only a pattern for prototyping and other patterns are preferable for production.
Another article to discover the new useFormStatus hook in React 19, and how to use it to improve your UX with transitions.
Learn how optimistic updates will work in React 19. With a very simple todo app, Jack Herrington live code different ways to implement optimistic updates with the new hook useOptimistic, transitions, tanstack query or even zustand.
New month, new astro feature get released.. This time astro introduce server actions. From your SSR or CSR page, you can now build a form and pass on submit an astro server action who will create a new endpoint in your server to validate and execute the function you'll define. A very important piece to manage forms is coming, but only in an experimental mode for now, so don’t use it in production yet.
Learn how to use server actions with tRPC.
3 hours of tutorial on what is probably one of the best JS stack in 2024, and for once, including the production and hosting part on Vercel.
A good tutorial on using server actions to make a fullstack CRUD in Nextjs 14.
A first beta for the next react version, but aimed at library developers for them to study and adopt the new features. It includes RSC, servers actions, new refs, context, document metadata, async scripts, prefetching, better error reporting.. The list of new features and upgrades is is pretty impressive.
(re)Discover how to manage your forms without client-side JavaScript. The 90s are back!
Conform is a new form management library with Progressive enhancement first APIs, Type-safe field inference, Fine-grained subscription, Built-in accessibility helpers, and Automatic type coercion with Zod. It is compatible with Next / Remix as it supports server Actions. According to early feedback, this library is still experimental but seems quite promising.
A comprehensive tutorial on using forms with Next.js. On the agenda: form creation, field validation, error handling, reset, toast messages, server actions.